Wednesday, 28 January 2009

UGH BLAHhh Booogaahh

<---- Screw Sony to little bits and burn the left overs. Go figures the HD camera I bought, has a serial number that happens to fall into a category called "fucked". All footage uploaded from the camera in HD mode has a problem with data and sound. So occasionally every few seconds there will be colored blocks on the screen, missing audio, or just complete messed up audio. On top of that the firmware they released to fix this problem, cant be installed onto the camera because of an unknown error called 100:0. So after Ive been put in charge mostly of editing this years knuckle buster videos, I find this out. Which leaves me probably doing 40 times more work just trying to figure out a way to edit around all the random bits of colored blocks that show up. Seriously - thanks Sony, and excuse my french but I hope the crappy economy makes you bankrupt and your forced to fire people for making shitty ass equipment and software. You've been bringing it upon your self all these years. Spent 2 hours trying to install their jacked up firmware. It has me so frustrated (and its hard to get me frustrated or pissed off) I almost didn't post my new mecha gear =\ and that's fun! Anyways here it is on the B-Cyberpunk blog and on Xstreet SL.
~Later Days

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