Thursday 28 June 2007

Wow only a month in England so far!

Its only been a month in England and were all ready loving every second of it, even my drive to work kicks ass, and every day still trying to realize that I'm actually in England. Meanwhile back home my brother and his wife will be having their baby on Friday the 13th in July, just 3 days shy of my birthday and their anniversary. Funny how theres so many days in the year, yet my brother gets married on my birthday, and now their kid is almost also born on my birthday lol. Hell by the time I end up going back home the kid will be 3 or 4 years old.

So this weekend we saw Stonehenge, and I must say it does kick ass. First thing out of my mouth was "my god! its a giant windows desktop!". Sept the fact it was raining pretty good and we didn't bring anything for it lol. SO we ended up with some fun pictures and got a kick out of it, still have to upload it to flicker. Not to add we also went to Salisbury where they have the oldest and most well known cathedral in the world, over 750 years old. And it was HUGE, crazy to think its that old and well made with detail. So beautiful though.

Update on today, Jen got a wisdom tooth out today so I'm babying her, and got the day off cause FMO was sending us more goodies but they never came. OH! AND we started filming the intro for our new comedy/action series, im spending so much time on making just one scene kick ass its nuts. Cant wait to just get the intro done lol. Still trying to catch up with everything after our move and settling in, completely forgot to even update the blog =D


Thursday 14 June 2007

Whats This? The Government Taxes me to Fart?

Good thing im in the military and they take care of all the taxes. you get taxed just for even having a TV in your house, 150Pounds to be exact (300USD), and thats a YEAR lol. Than you have road tax, and thats about 400Pounds, (800USD a year) than a yearly inspection called MOT 100Pounds (200USD) not to add the normal car selling/buying tax, and house taxes. No wonder England is 5 years behind, cause they cant afford what they currently have. Ordered our internet package today, so its going to take about a week in the mail, and we/NSS will be up and running. However we wont be able to film that wedding =\ I blame that on me jinxing it and the fact of how behind England is cause they don't even have cable modems yet, either way even with DSL it shouldn't mess up our FPS while filming.

I realized this also while I was checking out SC2, that GTA 4 comes out one month before it. Oh and I dunno Halo 2 perhaps? yeaa good times. Even though I saw the pretty cool game play video and new toys they have, im still not feeling SC2 and actually don't think I'll give into it, same goes for Halo 2 though. Its just as the creators said during an interview "theres really no reason for us to put this on 360, cause theres nothing were doing that we couldn't in Halo 2, same goes for graphics. Either way both are not far off to the old one, and im not seeing the point.
Well take care guys, im off to go act like a retard with Jen as usual. =D


Tuesday 12 June 2007

So close, I can feel the warmth of the pizza

We picked up our computers and we just need to sign the paper work to finish moving in, YaY! So now that were able to drive all over Europe, now its just time to learn how to use all the crazy roads. Seriously talk about close calls with every car that passes you. You are either going to get 1 inch of the oncoming car right of you, or hit the big tree and ditches left of you, but which one!

Gonna start loading up pictures onto Flicker and see if I can get em on here. I have a feeling we'll be taking pictures of everything we see and do, so we might need a premium account, and if everything continues to go as we hope, we'll have our computers up by this Friday, and be filming a wedding that was planned for this Sat. Now talk about close, someone planning a wedding filming, while our ass's are leaving country, getting a house/car/ settled into the UK. And STILL managed to somehow film this wedding lol. So far at least, probably jinxing it =) cant WAIT to start all the fun videos we have in mind!


Sunday 10 June 2007

This isn't Office Space! WHY didn't I get the memo!?!

October 19th 2007 will be a day set in the record books. Cause nothing other than GTA4 is coming out! Recently being hooked on San Andreas for 2 days, I recalled hearing about this and had to check it out. This is of course after me and Jen were arguing that Bruce Willis has SO come out with a good movie in the last 15 years besides the last Die Hard. C'mon the 5th Element! And he did that voice for the rodent in "Over the Hedge" pft yea he's done.. stuff! Now if Rockstar can come out with a game like GTA which they've done MASSIVE improvements for.. Why cant blizzard spend a chunk of their blood money on making Starcraft 2 not look like monkey poop and the last Starcraft they made almost 10 years ago now. Everything looks exactly the same, and still the only bad ass thing about it is going to be the cinematic movies of the game. Which can be found right here =) lol Just sad, especially after throwing away the "Ghost" first person shooter project, and falling back on what they know will make money anyways. Like making Billions on the worlds largest MMORPG isn't enough.
Blah you make me sick Blizzard!!

BTW if anyone wants to buy a lv70 Hunter on the Steemwheedle Cartel server just give me a ring =) hah


Saturday 9 June 2007

Walk it off stunt man!!

I'm not in the film business, I'm creating films and telling stories because its what I enjoy, and thats why I started it and went to school for it. When I do make a film for money, its with my full creative license.

Talk about a cold point blank shot to the face tonight. Theres a buddy of mine I met when he was a n00b in SL, he had talent and questions which I would answer now and then. Well down the road, I sparked an idea that he wanted to develop on. So he did, and made a little money out of it. Once he got that realization of the fact that a video game can bring you money, the spark of greed kicked in. He would tell me he needed help with one thing, but the real fact is he was using me for my name/background. So pretty much ive been betrayed, not to add he was charging insane amounts of money for things he couldn't do. But was hoping to buy the NSS name and hire us to help him do it. In addition add other artists we know very well, to do his work.

I kinda realized that today, i would love NSS to be a famious name like Red vs Blue, that means doing what you want and for fun, which others just happen to enjoy the hell out of. I don't sell out for money in order to live, I raise money to improve the ideas I have just make them possible. Example is that Ive bought my custom built 4k dollar computer, a professional recording mic, mixing board, and paid 3 years so far on the NSS website, all with money I made from film and editing, with money left over for other equipment. With out doing all that work to raise money for gear, I wouldn't be able to film a full Sim with zero lag, or run the handfuls of programs I do in order to process green screen work faster and more covenant's. To do videos like the "Noob Be Gone" series which we've gotten sooo much positive feedback and thank yous. Or fun videos like the Vonage or MoJo DoJo video.

Its good to finally really know where I stand, even though Ive been doing it all along but never realized it. Guess I just needed to see someone who was all about greed and uses their friends to know exactly what I didn't want.
Off to eat dinner =) the pubs in England have amazing home cooked food and are nothing like bars in the states.


Thursday 7 June 2007

You! Fellow Cheese Man!! DANCE!!

The word "Benandering" is one I made up a buncha years ago, its along the lines of "Ranting" and "Sporadic Jibba jabba". Once day this word will be heard around the world and in the dictionary, maybe even have a follower or 2 with a sacrifice from time to time.

Only a few days now until victory will rain within our computers of doom. We have a lot of videos now under our belt to develop and cannot wait to start em. Including the one which we've been wanting to do since day one. Just to add, it shall be so overwhelmingly awesome, some just may implode watching it.


Wednesday 6 June 2007

Cafe WiFi Suckage

Why would anyone wanna block YouTube, I cant even go and check out comments on us =(

Theres some cool SL stuff to update on. Theres an Italian group... Mafia if you will, wanting to dub over our Noob Be Gone series in Italian which I think is pretty cool. We also had some people wanting us to put in sub titles for the hearing impaired. Its crazy the numbers were getting now, 300 people a day check out, and on YouTube the building Tutorial video is at like 20k views last time I checked. not to add we have almost 100 subscribers which is really cool!

Were looking to do a lot of RL videos soon. Such as one of me and Jen and our story, and some just fun comedy ones. Especially once we meet up with a lot of Europe friends of ours.

And did anyone else know that England still has Milk Men that go around from door to door? They even have new goodies like Pop and Eggs they run around with! Buncha crazys


Monday 4 June 2007

Jen made me do it!!

meh I needed someone to blame for me starting a blogger. Either way its much more respected than Myspace since im not a 21 year old kid who's still reminiscing on my silly high school days.. even though I have one, doesn't mean it deserves to be maintained.

Actually I started one cause its a nice little online journal that friends can read, as I read my fellow friends, mostly over Jens shoulder. Ever since we've moved to England, theres just WAY to much to talk about. After all I've always been one for ranting, having horrid spelling and grammar, and not to add that I use the comma entirely way to much.

To keep it basic and simple right now, We live in Suffolk England on RAF Mildenhall. We just found a steal on a car with 60k miles, babied by a father who recently passed away and practically bran new and beautiful. Yea its a Chrysler Neon =P 1999 AND we just found an insainly cheap house with lots of land, indoor patio.. yea ill have to show pictures. And best thing is that base housing covers all $1250USD of rent. So its our first home, completely decorated, and in such a beautiful British town. hell if I can remember the name of it now, but will be about a week before we move in as we are still working on our UK license.

What can I say, Its just so cool that im in England finally, with the one I love, and living with out any problems. I'll probably spend every penny I make on traveling Europe, hech were all ready going on a trip to Stonehenge the 23. And theres a LOT of friends we've worked with online that were going to have to meet and all ready plan to. Not to add that were probably going to be coming out with a BUNCH of RL videos, and not so many SL ones on Time will tell =D

Later Days