Wednesday, 15 August 2007

Do you wanna die or something?

What the hell are people thinking when you drive in England, have a road 11 feet wide for each direction, pitch black at night! and they leave their bright's on with oncoming traffic. Yea its obviously dark, but when you blind the other driver constantly you minus well just say "Hey Mr. hit me with your car". Whats even worse is when you have some big stupid American truck no one needs like an F350 driving at you,where its so tall off the ground even with out brights on it blinds you, not to add how wide the damn thing is. There's is NO reason in England to be owning a big ass truck like that, its either a car - or a freacken big ass tractor for REAL work. Not to haul their groceries around when its the weekend.

That's all I really had to rant about since I just got done driving to work and I deal with it every day. You always have those people who don't turn their brights off when you do, so I always turn mine back on at em, like "TAKE THAT MR. RUDE!". So we have a 3 day weekend this week, sucks I didn't know that earlier otherwise I would of said no to the 3 weddings we have. I'll have to get a heads up on when the next one is, its some BS day off too that some brass guy said "Hey you know what, I really don't wanna work 5 days next week, 3 day weekend it is!!" They had em ALL the time at Tinker, then again I haven't been here that long yet. Cant believe on the 22ed I would have been in the Air Force for 2 years now. Its officially the longest job I've ever been at with out quitting or getting fired lol.

I just read a new study on yawning and why its contagious, coming up with a couple different theories. Which I can tell them right now are all wrong because I was yawning just reading the article (and I don't mean that as a corney joke) but even just typing the word "yawn" made me want to. Thus making me come to my conclusion, the word "yawn" it self was created by some kind of devil who thought it would be funny to give mankind a word to make them all react the same way when they hear it, opening their mouths like a puffer fish and sucking up air. I think its genious, wtg!

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