Monday, 17 November 2008

PvP Porn and Englands kick in the ass!!

No one really knows yet but me (Voxis) and Jen (Morose) belong to a guild called Ebonlore. Now I never plug guilds and all that jazz but this one is pretty good about beating the shit out of Order. Last night (this morning lol) a 4 hour battle went on in Dragonwake, 2 full warbands of the Order and 1 full warband of Destruction. Even being outnumbered we managed to push them to their keep, get pushed back to the point of them taking our lord out - as we stopped them and pushed them back to their keep, finally taking it over and the rest of the land. Shit loads of loot dropped, experience made, and renown made. It was sexy as hell, Heres so low-rez images for you guys. Because England's Internet cant keep up with the awesomeness.

~ Dragonwake Keep Raid ~

Most of the houses in England receive Internet through their phone line, aka DSL. This is because the country is straight up old. Which is kinda cool, but sucks if your a gamer and have 2 people playing in the same house. So the majority of houses like ours is out of date like most of the country :P even though it is a wicked house we have. In other words - Piss off and play your Internet games some place else!!! It just makes me miss the days me and Jen could be in SL, streaming music, DJing, and filming in game all at the same time while eating bandwidth like popcorn. So W.T.F. mate! catch up with society and get some more broadband.

Warhammer's Tip of the Day!! By: Me!
(and probably only today cause I just now thought of this)
  • Have trouble getting past a place covered with mobs and wanna play dead? Theres actually TONS of uses for this but here's the basics - If you Que for a scenario, and it pops (ask you to join), if you die at anypoint you can then join the que, and when its over, end up alive where you died.
Example: Having to run into a cave for a quest. Just que up, and when it pops - run in as far as you can with out dieing. Once you do (dont release) - join que, and when you get back, you'll be fully alive where you died before joining :)

-Later Days!

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