Friday, 20 July 2007

Today is pirate day!! infact, everyday is from today on!!

WARNING!!! HUGE gamer talk & dork alert

So im not completely addicted to Eve Online whenever im on the computer now. Unlike WOW this is a true MMORPG-RTS, where you have to actually think to play well. Unlike wow "Hey lets deliver 10 apples to farmer john!" oh and if you don't know where the next quest is you cant miss the retard question mark over every quest givers head. I played to 70 and many instances, only then did I realize why the mass public likes it, cause its so simple 8 year olds play it, and yes the guys kids at work do play it.

Anyways, As a n00b flying in my ship that looks like its welded together by space rubbish - another player completely shot up another just before entering a Stargate. As the Pirate who did the killing ran off, I ran in and looted over 90 items. Many of which are rare and I cant use for a long time cause I still need to raise my skill. In the end, after talking with a friend, the total amount is well over 10 million ISK. And being a n00b on a trial account for only 7 days so far - im kicking ass. So then of course I continued to fly around and steal from containers ppl have shot into space and the wreckage of those who blew up before their new clone could. yaRrrr!!! Walk the plank!!

So yea if you've been playing Eve Online recently and some n00b stole your hard earned items. His name is Bebop Vox, feel free to add a bounty on my head =)

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