Thursday, 21 May 2009

Newegg wins again!!!

Its been just under a week, and my new video cards all ready here!!! W00t!!!! and holy crap is it huge. almost bigger then when I ran SLI's on my 3 year old card that just crapped out. Back when bad ass video cards were expensive. I love technology, They make such bad ass video cards now for just under $200 bucks, that no game pushes their limits. Now if your doing extreme rendering and creating in 3D programs that's something different. I dont think you can ever have a bad ass enough video card for rending.

So its in its now home!! and back to LOTRO!!! Bought my buddy flints his big ass house. Lets just say I found some common items that people LOVE buying that are really dirt cheap. And I resell them for 200X the price I payed lol. So i use that money to help my friends in game get stuff. Cambridge beer fest this weekend! and Nerd expo in London!!! Its also spontaneous Flowers for Jen day!!!! I bought the yellow ones but got the rest from the backyard =D YAY LOVE!!!!

Cheers mates!

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