Wednesday, 16 July 2008 Hacked

So some jerk-ass hacked the NSS site. Why? who knows because its not like we've been keeping it updated 24/7. Still, we were hitting 17k hits (on a high) a month somehow which is really cool. I took a screenshot before I had the website taken offline.

I took the website down in June, that why the site hit such a low so fast. Ever since, I've been trying to find a way to get filezilla working in Iraq to upload everything, but that’s a no-go. In any case a LOT is going on and nothing can be done until I get back from Iraq. Also TODAYS MY BIRTHDAY!!! yay!!! *does a booty dance* birthday in Iraq w00t w00t.

On another totally random subject - I took No Xplode today ... I've come to the conclusion its pure Columbia heroin. Every minuet I was at the gym, I didn’t even want to stop to take a rest. My body wanted to work out faster than I could even breath. It was pretty wicked though because for a while now I haven’t felt like working out, and that stuff really gives you a good kick in the ass to go out and do it. Coolest thing to is that it has nothing to do with caffeine. It’s a hyper..blah blah something that makes your blood vessels bigger so more blood gets to your muscles. Than also has this other energy magic boost stuff in it. Lets just say – it tells you not to open the container for 15 minuets even after you open it.

So I’m debating on bringing NSS (renamed) into the real world instead of just in virtual worlds. Granted we've worked with some great companies and big names; like Boomer Esiason, Infident Mind, we were in Vox Pop Magazine (French) 2 pages, and worked with our good friend H. Fricker with Kent University, who invited us to give a speech at South Hampton University. But sitting down all day at a computer really get dull after a while, and it’s hard to keep your drive up. Jen and I have been talking about it a little here and there, so who knows what will happen or what we decide. Oh and the show G4 rules, they’ve been playing it like crazy here in Iraq haha.

~Later day’s fellow gamers!

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