Monday, 2 March 2009

Going a million miles an hour!

Holy crap its been busy. I wanna make a quick post for now. I have tons of flickr pics to upload, even from months ago while we were in London during the New Year. I'm working on 4 different knuckle buster (KB) videos at work. Won Airmen of the year in our squadron which was wicked. And finally getting ready to head to Germany!! and the Netherlands!! to meet up with Eric our SL homie, and for me and Jen to go on our 2 year Anniversery in Germany for a five star resort. Its gonna be wicked and im trying to figure out how to get everything done in a short amount of time. And the KB is 3 days before we leave! Hope it all goes smooth! lol it soooo wont. Oh and we went paintballing last Sat!! have some awesome pics of that! hah.
Later Days!